A Fashion, Style, Design and Lifestyle Blog The daily search for beautiful things.

May 24, 2016

Decor Inspiration : Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke

Decor Inspiration - Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

L'appartamento si trova nella mansarda di un palazzo d'epoca a Mayfair, nel centro di Londra.

Decor Inspiration - Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

Decor Inspiration - Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

L'obiettivo di Rose Uniacke รจ stato quello di creare un interno di fascino 
con la scelta di mobili antichi e materiali pregiati, ma sobri. 

Decor Inspiration - Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

Decor Inspiration - Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

Decor Inspiration - Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

Decor Inspiration - Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

Una tavolozza raffinata, luci soffuse e un mix di materiali naturali 
come il legno, il gesso creano un interno armonioso, caldo ed accogliente.

Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

Open fires, open shelving, opulent materials and natural textures 
combine to create a restful, gracious, quietly English home. -  Rose Uniacke

Mayfair Apartment in central London by Rose Uniacke {Cool Chic Style Fashion}

MayFair Apartment by Rose Uniacke 

I hope you enjoyed this home tour! Stay tuned for more to come!
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