Robe Oscar De La Renta, chaussures Bottega Veneta,
collier et boucles d’oreilles Lanvin.
Oscar De La Renta dress, Bottega Veneta shoes, Lanvin earings and necklace.

Robe Narciso Rodriguez, sac Jimmy Choo, chaussures Brian Artwood,
collier gants et tiare Claire’s, lunettes Wayfarer.
Narciso Rodriguez dress, Jimmy Choo bag, Brian Artwood shoes,
Claire’s necklace, gloves and tiara, Wayfarer sunglasses.

Manteau Aquascutum, chapeau Forever 21, lunettes wayfarer,

Manteau Aquascutum, chapeau Forever 21, lunettes wayfarer,
pochette Michael kors, chaussures Giuseppe zanotti.
Aquascutum coat, forever 21hat , wayfarer sunglasses,
Michael kors clutch, Giuseppe zanotti shoes.

fredflare night mask, Jen Jen tasselled earplugs.
Audrey Hepburn, breakfast at tiffany, FASHION, fashion inspiration, outfits,
Fonte: http://www.thecherryblossomgirl.com/
Audrey Hepburn, breakfast at tiffany, FASHION, fashion inspiration, outfits,
Fonte: http://www.thecherryblossomgirl.com/